Health Transformation Services

These two service packages build a comprehensive approach to your health challenges and goals. Your practitioners draw tactics from conventional, holistic, naturopathic, and global healing traditions.

Comprehensive Health Assessment

Transform your health when you explore and address the underlying causes of your health challenges and receive a personalized care plan. Your roadmap to optimal health that addresses nutrition, sleep, hormone balance, physical strength, and mind-body medicine.

Two Pearl doctors conduct intake and physical exams, analyze your lifestyle including diet, physical activity, sleep, and stress. Plan on 2 hours for your initial visit.  A follow-up appointment is included where you will receive a written report summarizing our findings and mapping out your pathway to health over the next three to 12 months.

Intensive Transformative Experience

A life-altering experience where a team of health professionals guides you in drastically improving your health over a period of a few weeks. The Intensive Transformation takes the test results and health plan from the Comprehensive Assessment and maps out daily treatments with different Pearl providers.

You identify a goal or a specific change you want to make in your health. Your Pacific Pearl health practitioners identify the services, tools, resources, and knowledge to build a powerful regimen of healing.

Preventive, Personalized Clinical Services

For those interested in one area of their health, or seeking a second opinion to complement existing healthcare. Contact us to for an appointment to discuss your customized wellness care: 858-459-6919.

Click the “+” symbol to open the details on each topic below.

Bio-identical Hormone Consultation and Testing

Not certain if replacing estrogen, testosterone or other hormones is right for you? Are hormone deficiencies causing symptoms such as fatigue, depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance? This consultation will focus on your symptoms, treatment goals and make a formal recommendation about whether hormone replacement therapy is right for you.

Endocrine and Autoimmune Disorders

Are you looking for a more natural approach to endocrine challenges such as thyroid disease and diabetes? This consultation will focus on the endocrine system including a root cause evaluation and treatment options for autoimmune diseases such as lupus, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and common health challenges such as diabetes and thyroid disease.

Genetics Consultation: Understanding Your Genes

Genes influence your nutrient and vitamin needs, medication metabolism, fat storage, and risk of chronic diseases. Are your genes responsible for your mood, energy level and nutrient deficiencies? Knowing your genetics empowers you to personalize your lifestyle choices and prevent health challenges before they occur. Knowing your genetics allows us to personalize your nutrients, supplements and lifestyle plan.

Clinical, Wellness & Spa Treatments

Pacific Pearl La Jolla offers a unique range of services and treatments by caring, highly-skilled certified practitioners.



Acupuncture is the ancient art and science of inserting very fine needles into specific points on the skin to relieve a variety of medical problems. This method encourages the body to naturally heal itself and improve its functioning. Acupuncture can help treat current issues, help heal previous problems, and help prevent new ones.

During an acupuncture treatment, very fine single-use, disposable needles are inserted into various points on the body. Patients typically feel nothing or only a very slight pinch as the needles are inserted. Sometimes heat or mild electrical stimulation is applied to the site of the needle insertion.


The classical Chinese explanation for the effectiveness of acupuncture is that channels of energy run through the body and over its surface in regular patterns. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues. An obstruction to movement in the meridians dams up the energy on one side, while cutting off the supply downstream. By applying the needles at the right points along the meridians, the obstructions are unblocked and the proper flow of energy is restored.

The scientific explanation of acupuncture is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the body to release natural chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These substances either change the experience of pain or trigger the release of other chemicals or hormones that influence the body’s own internal regulating system. The needles also reduce muscle spasm and cause a healing response at the site of insertion. We know from studies using fMRI (functional MRI) scans that acupuncture can positively change the blood flow in the brain. Numerous other well-designed studies show that acupuncture is effective for treating chronic pain and other conditions.

Most importantly, acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural healing and promotes improved energy and better physical and emotional well-being.


Medical acupuncture can influence three areas of health: promotion of health and well-being, prevention of illness, and treatment of various medical conditions. Our medical acupuncturists will address all three at each of your acupuncture treatments.

While medical acupuncture is often associated with pain control, it actually has much broader applications. Medical acupuncture can be effective as the only treatment used or as the support to other modalities of medical treatment. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture for the treatment of a wide range of medical problems.

Our physicians often recommend acupuncture as the primary or supportive treatment for a wide variety of conditions:

Back and neck pain. Acupuncture is highly effective for back pain, including sciatica, radiculopathy, sacroiliitis (including ankylosing spondylitis), and disc problems, including bulges and herniation. And much more…!

Cancer treatment. Acupuncture can be a valuable adjunctive treatment to help relieve the side effects of conventional cancer care. It is helpful for chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, mucositis, fatigue and peripheral neuropathy. Acupuncture can also help with the side effects of radiation therapy, including dry mouth, colitis, cystitis, and pain.

Chronic pain. Pain issues, including spinal, pelvic and abdominal pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia, are all responsive to acupuncture treatment.

Digestive problems. Nausea, morning sickness, diarrhea, constipation, reflux (GERD), and vomiting can all be helped by acupuncture. Both irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are also often helped by acupuncture.

Men’s health issues. Common male health problems can be helped by acupuncture, including benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), prostadynia, low libido, and general sexual health.

Neurological problems. The symptoms of many neurological problems are often improved by acupuncture treatment. Headaches, including chronic daily headaches, tension headaches, and migraines are often very responsive to acupuncture. Other conditions that are helped by acupuncture include carpal tunnel syndrome, Bell’s palsy, neuralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles), and peripheral neuropathy. Acupuncture can also be helpful with stroke rehabilitation.

Psychological problems. Acupuncture is often highly effective for reducing symptoms from psychological problems including anxiety, depression, stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Respiratory problems. Breathing problems, including asthma, seasonal environmental allergies, sinusitis, sore throat, and recurrent chest infections, can all be helped by acupuncture.

Sports injuries and joint problems. Pain and lack of mobility from sports injuries and joint problems can be helped by acupuncture. Acute sports pain and injury, bursitis, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, plantar fasciitis (heel pain), and rotator cuff impingement all usually respond well to treatment.

Urinary tract problems. Acupuncture can be helpful for relieving the symptoms of interstitial cystitis and kidney stones.

Women’s health issues. We have found that women’s health issues can be very responsive to acupuncture. In particular, our physicians often recommend acupuncture as a main or additional treatment for infertility, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menstrual problems, menopause symptoms, low libido, and sexual health.

Other health issues. Acupuncture can be helpful for a variety of other health problems, including chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), hives, insomnia, Meniere’s disease (vertigo), smoking cessation.

Wellness. One of the most profound benefits of acupuncture is its ability to produce a state of well-being. People often feel like they “float out of a treatment.” Our patients who come in regularly report they get sick less often and enjoy having their minor aches and pains taken away.



During your acupuncture treatment, single-use, very fine, hair-like needles will be placed in various therapeutic areas of your body. Most people hardly feel them being inserted; some may experience a mild pinch. Once the needles are in place, you won’t be aware of them. The needles are left in place for anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on your condition. During that time you’ll listen to calming music and rest quietly—you may even fall asleep! In total, your acupuncture treatment will usually take 30-60 minutes.



Usually not. In fact, just the opposite. Patients often feel deeply rested and replenished—sometimes even quite euphoric—after a treatment. Occasionally a bruise will develop where a needle was inserted. These are usually small, of no concern, and heal quickly.

Our needles are disposable and single-use, so the risk of infection is minimal. Puncture of an underlying organ is a very remote possibility.



Our approach to acupuncture treatment is completely individualized, so the length of treatment varies from person to person. Treatments are usually divided into a treatment or replenishing phase, followed by a maintenance phase. In general, complex or long-standing conditions will require more intensive treatment— initially, one treatment a week may be necessary. Then, as the patient improves, they will need less frequent treatments. For acute problems, fewer visits are usually required. Our physicians recommend medical acupuncture only if they think you will genuinely benefit. They also monitor you carefully for treatment effectiveness.



To maximize your treatment benefits, we recommend that you generally take things easy for six to 24 hours. Avoid heavy exercise or exertion, alcohol, sexual activity, large or heavy meals, and foods that are very hot, very cold, or spicy. Continue to take any prescription medicine as directed by your personal physician.

Cold Laser Therapy


Cold Laser Therapy (low level laser therapy, LLLT) can stimulate repair of tissue, reduce inflammation and relieve pain in musculoskeletal disorders. It can be especially effective with soft tissue injuries, joint conditions, and back and neck pain.  Applied by one of our doctors, treatments typically take 1 – 10 minutes, and recommendations are that it be applied two or more times a week. At Pacific Pearl La Jolla, we use a THOR Laser.

The regeneration of tissue, reduction of inflammation and reduction of pain is achieved with Cold Laser Therapy by increasing cellular energy and reducing oxidative stress. These effects have been tested in over 400 clinical trials (RCT’s) and thousands of laboratory studies and published in many leading journals including The Lancet, BMJ, Nature, PNAS, Spine, Muscle and Nerve, Pain, Stroke etc.

Healing Touch


healing touch treatment with RAuni kingHealing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing energy or biofield therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Healing Touch works with your biofield to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with conventional medical care. It is a modality that is offered by certified Healing Touch practitioners.  It is taught internationally and is used as a complementary modality at many medical facilities including Scripps Health in San Diego, CA. At the Pacific Pearl, we have Healing Touch practitioners with decades of experience.



Energy healing is the art of correcting imbalances in the body’s flow of energy. The human body generates an electromagnetic field. Measurements of this field are often used in conventional medicine to diagnose illness and disease. For example, we commonly use electroencephalograms (EEGs) to measure brain activity, electrocardiograms (EKGs) to chart heart activity, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to get detailed looks inside the body.

This electromagnetic field or biofield around the body can also be detected without instruments by a trained energy therapist. An imbalance in the biofield can eventually lead to physical disease. Restoring balance in the field aids in healing the body, mind, spirit and emotions.



Anyone can benefit from receiving Healing Touch. Because Healing Touch practitioners can sense electromagnetic field imbalances, even before they affect the physical body, individuals can benefit from energy treatments to help prevent illness and enhance healing.



During an energy healing treatment, the client will relax on a massage table with clothes on. The practitioner assesses the patient’s energy field and determines if there are any imbalances or energy field disturbances. There are various different techniques to be used, based on the client’s need. The client may experience a warm sensation and even a tingling or vibration. It is very common for a patient to feel relaxed, comforted, and even fall asleep during a treatment.



Your therapist will evaluate this and let you know how many treatments you will need.



After the treatment, patients may feel relaxed and should rest if possible before resuming normal activities. We suggest that you drink lots of water and refrain from strenuous activity and heavy exercise for six to 24 hours following a treatment.

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage is massage with the goal of obtaining a therapeutic benefit. Although therapeutic massage is often relaxing, the goal of the session is to have a therapeutic effect. Ancient cultures embraced therapeutic massage as a form of medical treatment. Egyptian tomb paintings show people being massaged, Ayurveda or traditional Indian medicine, uses massage with aromatic oils and spices, and massage has roots in Chinese, Greek and Roman cultures.

Therapeutic goals can vary considerably depending on your individual needs. In some cases, massage is recommended by your health professional and may be performed as part of a treatment plan or protocol. For example, following an injury, therapeutic massage may be recommended to loosen muscles, improve muscle tone, and increase flexibility. Likewise, therapeutic massage can be used to supplement wound care, help with edema or swelling, cancer care, and a variety of other conditions. Research has shown massage decreases post-surgical pain, improves back pain, boosts the immune system and enhances healing. Psychologists frequently recommend massage in their work. In addition to having physical benefits, therapeutic massage can also be psychologically beneficial and may be used to increase trust, promote relaxation, alleviate severe depression, or to treat other conditions. Over 200 types of massage exist. At Pacific Pearl we offer massage as an individual treatment or part of a therapeutic healing package.

  • Deep Tissue Massage: This is a deep massage meant to reach deep into your muscles and “unstick” the fibers they contain. This is done by deep muscle compression and putting friction along the grain of the muscle. It is especially good for muscle damage from an injury such as whiplash or back strain, and it helps release toxins and break patterns of tension.
  • Sports Massage: This massage is meant to help prevent athletic injury, relieve swelling, fatigue and muscle tension, increase flexibility and help enhance athletic performance. It can be used before, during and after an athletic event. The techniques used depend on the needs of the athlete.
  • Swedish Massage: This is likely the most common type of massage, sometimes referred to as ‘traditional massage.’ It was developed by a Swedish doctor, Dr. Per Henrik Ling, in the 1820. Techniques include long gliding strokes, kneading, friction, tapping and shaking motions that affect the nerves, muscles and glands. Swedish massage is ideal for relaxation, increasing circulation and restoring energy.

Medical Hypnosis


Hypnosis is an induced state of deep relaxation during which you remain fully conscious. It helps people heal from common conditions such as insomnia, pain and anxiety, and with issues such as smoking cessation and weight loss. A certified practitioner guides you into a deep state of relaxation. It can help you achieve a focused state of mind by encouraging the rational, critical mind to temporarily relax.  Most individuals experience a comfortable sensation of heaviness or lightness and leave feeling like they have just awakened from a deep, restful sleep. This creates an opportunity to communicate deeply and directly with the subconscious mind, which is the storehouse of all experiences. The inner resources of the subconscious mind have within itself access to both the cause and the cure of any discord in our life.

During your hypnosis treatment, you’ll lie fully clothed in a comfortable recliner chair or on a treatment table in a quiet room. Your therapist will use relaxing mental images and verbal repetition in a soothing voice to help you relax. Once relaxed, the therapist will gently suggest ways for you to achieve your goal, such as smoking cessation, feeling less pain or anxiety. Your therapist may help you visualize yourself accomplishing your goals. When the session is over, you come out of the relaxed state naturally, or your therapist will gently take you out.

Despite everything you’ve seen in the media, you will never do anything under hypnosis that your moral code or spiritual awareness will not allow. You will not divulge any “secrets” while under hypnosis. You will be aware of everything that happens and what is said. In fact, many clients don’t feel as if they have been hypnotized until they experience the positive changes in their life for which they sought hypnosis.



Hypnotherapy is the name of the therapeutic modality in which hypnosis is used. This therapy, provided by a certified hypnotherapy practitioner helps individuals heal from common medical conditions such as insomnia, acute and chronic pain, as well as phobias, addictions, depression and anxiety.

Your hypnotherapist guides you into a deep state of relaxation during which you remain fully conscious.  It can help you achieve a focused state of mind by encouraging the rational, critical mind to temporarily relax.  In hypnotherapy, you can be gently regressed to points in your life to discover root causes of patterns and help change them deep within the unconscious mind. Most individuals experience a comfortable sensation of heaviness or lightness and leave feeling like they have just awakened from a deep, restful sleep. This creates an opportunity to communicate deeply and directly with the subconscious mind, which is the storehouse of all experiences. The inner resources of the subconscious mind have within itself access to both the cause and the cure of any discord in our life.


Hypnotherapy helps you access your own inner guidance and create positive and long-lasting changes. Your subconscious mind is the control center deep within your brain that directs everything you do, like the software in your computer. The subconscious mind doesn’t think or evaluate. That’s the job of your conscious mind, which stands guard and allows only what it wants to happen, like the input from your keyboard. If we wish to change behavior or thought patterns that originate deep in the subconscious mind, we must put the conscious mind “to sleep” and talk directly to the subconscious mind.

At the Pacific Pearl, we use modern hypnotherapy protocols to create a light trance state. In this state, you are more suggestible and willing to accept new information, without the “sentinel conscious mind” checking all incoming communications. Your hypnotherapist can then make positive suggestions, which you will store in your mind, basically reprogramming it to accept or reject certain beliefs or patterns of behavior. The desire of the subconscious is so strong that it will override a conscious desire.


Hypnotherapy can be very effective for treating addictions, phobias, traumas, habitual behavior, and stress-related conditions. The interaction of mind/body can be demonstrated when, during a hypnotic trance, breathing, heart rate, and metabolism can be slowed, allergic reactions stopped, and pain reduced.

At Pacific pearl we offer a unique integrative smoking cessation program that combines hypnotherapy with ear acupuncture to help you quit smoking and alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.


During your hypnotherapy treatment, you’ll lie fully clothed in a comfortable recliner chair or on a treatment table in a quiet room. Your hypnotherapist will use relaxing mental images and verbal repetition in a soothing voice to help you relax. Once relaxed, the therapist will gently suggest ways for you to achieve your goal, such as smoking cessation, feeling less pain or anxiety. Your therapist may help you visualize yourself accomplishing your goals. When the session is over, you come out of the relaxed state naturally, or your therapist will gently take you out.

Despite everything you’ve seen in the media, you will never do anything under hypnosis that your moral code or spiritual awareness will not allow. You will not divulge any “secrets” while under hypnosis. You will be aware of everything that happens and what is said. In fact, many clients don’t feel as if they have been hypnotized until they experience the positive changes in their life for which they sought hypnotherapy.

Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on technique performed by  one of our Naturopathic Doctors (craniosacral) or by our Osteopathic Doctor (cranial osteopathy- see Osteopathy). The technique is thought to improve the fluid movement of the craniosacral system—the membranes and fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord, as well as the attached bones, including the bones of the skull, face, and mouth (the cranium) and down the spine to the tailbone. Improving the fluid movement may enhance and complement the body’s natural healing mechanisms.


Craniosacral therapy is said to improve fluid movement in the systems throughout the body. Improved fluid movement can enhance many body functions: the provision of nutrients to cells; the removal of toxins and waste products from tissues; the circulation of immune cells; the delivery of fresh blood to organs and tissues; and the movement of cerebral spinal fluid.

What conditions can be treated by Craniosacral therapy? Craniosacral therapy can benefit anyone who wants to achieve an optimal and balanced state, where the body’s systems are working in harmony with each other. Craniosacral therapy can enhance the body’s resistance to disease and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:

  • Migraine headaches
  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Motor coordination impairments
  • Colic
  • Autism
  • Central nervous system disorders
  • Orthopedic problems
  • Scoliosis
  • Infantile disorders
  • Learning disabilities
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Emotional difficulties
  • Stress and tension-related problems
  • Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders
  • Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)
  • Neurovascular or immune disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Post-surgical dysfunction



You will lie fully clothed on a padded table. The therapist begins by placing his or her hands on your body. The cranium (skull) and the sacrum (tailbone) are very often where most of the touch occurs; other body parts may be gently contacted.

During a session, the central nervous system calms down and a deep sense of relaxation occurs. As the mind becomes more still, the patient can often sense movements of energy or releases in specific areas of the body. Each session is further individualized according to patient response.



Hydrotherapy is nature’s age-old therapy of using hot and cold water for healing. It’s not fancy, sexy, or backed by clinical trials, but it works, strengthening the immune system, speeding healing and recovery, and stimulating your innate healing capacity. Three types of hydrotherapy offered include constitutional hydrotherapy, hot fomentation and peat baths.

Constitutional Hydrotherapy is a series of hot and cold compresses applied to the chest, abdomen and back in conjunction with a mild micro-current stimulation to the back and abdomen. Constitutional hydrotherapy has been found to enhance the immune system, improve circulation, promote detoxification and increase the vitality of the body.

Hot fomentation is generally used to treat pain, congestion and inflammation. It is a vigorous treatment using heat and cold mitten friction by the practitioner. This treatment is particularly effective for some acute conditions such as bronchitis, chest colds and pleurisy.

Balneotherapy is the use of therapeutic baths, peloids and other natural substances for the prevention and treatment of disease. At Pacific Pearl we offer Peat baths using a special moss that has been used as a medicinal substance in baths and peloid packs in Europe for the past 200 years. Therapeutic bathing is an ancient art and one of the oldest medical procedures. Our solid copper tub isn’t only indulgent and relaxing, the copper is grounding and detoxifying. Peat bath stimulates the immune system and metabolism. It has been used extensively with HIV. Peat is known for its antiviral and anti-neoplastic effects. Peat baths have also been used for rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, skin conditions, etc. Practitioners who administer peat baths are skillful administrators of the treatment and individuals are screened before doing full-body immersion hyperthermia. Throughout the therapeutic bath, the patient’s heart rate, temperature and experience are monitored as well as hydration. Following the peat bath, the patient lies on a table and receives manual traction to the spine and gentle energy bodywork.



At Pacific Pearl la Jolla, we offer several signature facials and treatments year-round.


  • Polishing the Pearl – Our Signature Firming Facial is a results oriented facial w/unique protein enzymes that stimulate cell metabolism to dramatically improve the skin’s appearance. Dramatically lifts, tightens and visibly firms facial skin, increasing textural clarity and tone. $150
  • Hydrating the Pearl  – This Skin Quenching Facial addresses dry, dehydrated skin. The Hydrating Mineral Mask contains Copper, Magnesium and Zinc that restore the freshness and vitality of the skin. Rose Hips Oil and Aloe Vera calm and hydrate for total rejuvenation. $120
  • Cleaning the Pearl  – The Acne Clarify Facial targets inflammation, bacteria control, exfoliation and modulating oil production. The unique combination of exfoliating enzymes, sulfur, propolis and probiotics result in a noticeably clearer complexion. $115
  • Pampering the Pearl –  This treatment highlights Epicuren®’s powerful line of Propolis products. This amazing ingredient combined with Olive Oil, Noni and Omega 3,6,& 9 deeply hydrates, restores and nourishes. Perfect for sensitive skin. $120
  • Transforming the Pearl  – Seasonal Fruit Enzyme Facial is the perfect solution for symptoms of acne, large pore size, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines. A refreshing seasonal enzymatic fruit puree dissolves lifeless cells while their seeds gently buff them away. These deliciously aromatic superfruits are packed full of Vitamin C, minerals, proteins, and age-defying anitoxidants to leave your skin looking smooth and vibrant. $130



Duo Girl massage w living roomMassage Therapy is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension through pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments.  Massages are customized for each patient, using techniques such as: Myo-fascial release; Trager approach; acupressure; trigger-point therapy; Swedish; circulatory; orthopedic/medical massage; neuro-muscular re-education. Mobile Massage is available. Call to inquire.

Customized Spa Packages


Our providers are sensitive to the individual needs of every single patient.  You may always ask for a Customized Package with a consultation with our health and healing practitioners to determine what would be best to suit your needs at that moment in your health journey.

Here are two packages:

  • The Healing Pearl – The ultimate in detoxifying and cleansing sessions, designed to increase circulation and relaxation as you soak in our copper tub filled of herbal infused water. Time in the infrared sauna induces detoxification. Then cool down and recharge as a customized massage boosts your immune system and works deeper muscles, leaving you to feel cleansed and transformed.
  • The Three Pearls  – 3 hours. Get the best of all worlds spending an hour with each of our licensed healing professionals:  Facial ~ Custom Massage ~ Healing Touch.


  • Massage
  • Far Infrared Sauna
  • Copper Tub Hydrotherapy
  • Facials
  • Acupuncture
  • Foot Massage
  • Constitutional Hydrotherapy
  • Professional Peels (consult with our esthetician)

Combine any 3 individual wellness services to receive your 10% discount Package Deal

GI Health, Digestion and Leaky Gut

Your gut is the foundation of health.  Our team will evaluate your digestion and identify the cause of heartburn, problems in elimination, gas and bloating plus support you in restoring your gut flora and microbiome.  Identify food sensitivities.  Eliminate toxins. Discover medicinal foods, supplemental and herbal support to heal your gut.

Healthy Brain ReCode Memory Success Program

We are very pleased to now offer a comprehensive program to support individuals and families implementing the ReCode Protocol as formulated by Dale Bredesen, MD. Dr. Bredesen’s ReCode Protocol is the first ever to demonstrate reversal of cognitive decline. We use a multi-modality lifestyle, diet and supplement program to restore health to the brain and mind at the same time that it helps restore a state of overall health and wellness to the body.

1) Proper diagnosis at the start,
2) Thorough evaluative testing- the “cognoscopy” – to identify the most likely causes of memory loss and most importantly,
3) Living the protocol, including all the remedies recommended for your individual test findings, on an ongoing basis to create and maintain cognitive recovery. Dr. Bredesen states “Living the Protocol for 3-6 months” is what brings results.

Our Healthy Brain ReCode Memory Success Program supports your implementation of the ReCode Protocol and tailors it to your specific, individualized needs.

Identify and Remove Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins including heavy metals, mold, pesticides, plastics, household cleaners, and food contaminants invade our daily lives.  We provide testing to identify the toxins affecting you.  Learn to minimize your exposure and receive a personalized plan to remove toxins and support immune and central nervous system recovery.

Integrative Ayurveda Consultation

Ayurveda  (Eye-yur-VAY-duh) is cutting edge mind-body knowledge from the tradition of Yoga. It is more than 5000 years old and is the natural health practice from ancient India. “Integrative Ayurveda” combines ancient Ayurvedic healing modalities with a broad range of evidence-based diagnostics and therapies from Western medicine, functional medicine, and worldwide healing traditions that work with the body’s inner intelligence to restore balance.Your personalized program begins with an initial comprehensive wellness session including a review of your history and medical records. You will get an assessment of your Ayurveda Mind-Body type; identification of any imbalances according to Ayurveda; an Ayurveda pulse assessment; instruction in self-pulse taking for self-help and balance; and a personalized program of Ayurvedic wellness recommendations.

Integrative Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (those individuals wishing to see Dr. Guarneri, please schedule a comprehensive assessment)

A comprehensive assessment for patients seeking Dr. Guarneri’s expertise in Preventive and Integrative Cardiology.  Includes full review of outside medical records and personalized recommendations for additional testing, medication, nutrition, natural medicine and mind-body techniques.  Includes EKG, body composition analysis and non-invasive testing of arterial function

Integrative Cardiology Second Opinion (those individuals wishing to see Dr. Guarneri, please schedule a comprehensive assessment)

  • In-depth Cardiovascular Second Opinion Assessment with Dr. Guarneri
  • Medical Practice’ proprietary health assessment questionnaires
  • Complete analysis of all blood work
  • Complete review and analysis of all cardiovascular testing
  • Physical examination including body composition analysis, basal metabolic rate, and endothelial function

Integrative Nurse Coaching

At Pacific Pearl La Jolla, our one-on-one Integrative Nurse Coaching Service is a key component to the successful implementation of lifestyle changes for health. Our service is especially helpful for new patients following their Comprehensive Wellness Assessment when they begin their prescribed journey for healing and optimal wellness. Integrative Nurse Coaches handle questions, assist in establishing goals, provide support and encouragement, and build on patients’ strengths.  Goals often seem more attainable. Patients rave about the empowerment that Integrative Nurse Coaches provide for them to work through issues and identify opportunities — that it is an additional level of support in their healing journey that they appreciate and rely upon to manifest significant changes.

Integrative Nurse Coaching is for patients/clients with chronic conditions or those that would like to prevent illness and promote wellness.  Explore mutual strategies and active engagement for reaching goals and maintaining focus.

Integrative Nurse Coaching is a skilled, purposeful, results-oriented and structured client interaction that is provided by Registered Nurses (RN) to promote achievement of client goals. It is the skillful use of evidence-based conversations, clinical interventions and strategies to safely and actively engage clients. Integrative Nurse Coaches work with the whole person using principles and modalities that integrate body, mind, emotion, spirit and environment to promote health, wellness and well-being.  Integrative Nurse Coaches are supportive and encouraging, building on the client’s strengths in a collaborative and co-creative process.  Integrative Nurse Coaches provide guidance and resources to the client who is the expert on their own needs and choices.

Integrative Nurse Coaching may be purchased as a package or as individual consultation/sessions at $120. per hour session by phone.  A minimum of three sessions has been found to be most beneficial. Three counseling sessions are $360, and a four-session package is $450. We recommend speaking to your doctor for their recommendation based on your conditions and needs, but a referral is not required.

Integrative Oncology Consultation

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, an Integrative Oncology consultation can help you approach your condition and treatment from an integrative, holistic point of view. An integrative consultation is intended for patients who are currently under the care of an allopathic cancer treatment team and want the added support of a medical doctor who is a medical oncologist and expert in Integrative Oncology.

Dr. Daniel Vicario supports patients as well as their family members and caregivers. During your consultation, he will review with you, from an integrative oncology perspective, your diagnosis and current treatment plan. He will answer any questions you have and work with you to develop an integrative healing approach that fits your individual needs.

Dr. Vicario will also share evidence-based complementary approaches and healing modalities that can benefit you by improving your ability to heal and enhancing your quality of life. These healing modalities include optimal nutrition, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, massage, physical activity, support groups, biofield therapies, music, arts, visualization, and many others. He will discuss, in detail, how these integrative healing modalities can significantly help you on your healing journey. Dr. Vicario strongly encourages the cancer patients to also consider working with health care practitioners experienced in other modalities.

Integrative Psychiatry, Psychology and Holistic Mental Health

We offer a humanistic, comprehensive treatment approach to emotional and physical health and well-being. Holistic Mental Health supports the self-healing process through the power of relationship and the ability to change your beliefs and emotional state. A comprehensive assessment includes identifying the development of the mental/emotional/spiritual challenge, neurotransmitter deficiencies, brain nutrition and lifestyle choices (such as exercise, sleep, nutrition, addictions, and environmental exposure). Our approach includes lifestyle prescriptions and support, recommendations for nutrition, nutraceuticals, and mind-body techniques such as transpersonal and neuro-hypnotherapy, mindfulness, stress management tools, breath work, meditation techniques, guided imagery and emotional transformation therapy. Emotional Transformation Therapy (Lightbox) is a form of energy medicine using light, color and peripheral eye stimulation to change old stuck emotions, thoughts, behaviors or states of pain to a healthier, desirable, more empowered experience. Our Naturopathic Psychologist is an expert in both supplement and herbal support to treat depression, fatigue, insomnia and anxiety while journeying to find balance.  Conventional medications are an option during this healing process and we seek to discover with you the lowest effective dose for your unique situation.

Our Psychologist:

Ozzie Gontang PhD


Our Psychiatrist

Julio Ballestas M.D.

Naturopathic Health Consultation

For people seeking natural and holistic alternatives, we offer comprehensive natural health consultations. We specialize in “conundrums” and undiagnosed symptoms, second opinions, and alternatives to drugs and surgeries. Our approach focuses on your health and life goals; we work with you to find answers, help your understand your health, and make informed choices about treatment options (both natural and conventional).  Our comprehensive assessments include:

  • Medical Practice’ proprietary health assessment questionnaires
  • Complete analysis of all blood work, additional testing, food diary and mind-body questionnaires
  • Physical examination including body composition, ankle-brachial index, endothelial function and muscular skeletal analysis
  • Personalized health assessment and diagnosis
  • Full discussion on conventional and natural treatments to prevent and treat disease
  • Suggestions on integrative preventative care and wellness planning options including botanical and mind-body medicine.
  • Comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your health goals
  • Specific recommendations regarding vitamins and supplements tailored to personalized needs
  • Mind-Body techniques and recommendations to decrease stress and enhance resiliency
  • Health education materials

Our naturopathic doctors will communicate with your other healthcare providers all results and recommendations (if desired)

Neurofeedback Consultation

Neurofeedback is a painless brain balancing biofeedback technique that has been shown to decrease anxiety, pain, PTSD and a host of other health challenges. Pioneered by a military veteran this technique is ideal for children and adults.

Nutrition Consultations

A comprehensive review of your health, current lifestyle and supplement program.  We will make individualized recommendations for nutrition, nutrient repletion and supplements.

Nutraceutical Review and Consultation

Not sure which supplements are right for you? Not everyone needs the same vitamins and herbs. Our Naturopathic Doctors will review your nutraceutical regimen in light of your personal genetics, nutrient deficiencies and your personal health challenges. Take the supplements that are needed to optimize your health.

Osteopathic Manual Medicine, Consultations and Treatments

The Osteopathic Doctor specializing in osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) serves as an agent of change to alleviate acute and chronic pain, physical limitations and diseases by utilizing their hands to change anatomy and physiology to improve your health. These osteopaths honor the patient’s innate ability to heal themselves by acknowledging the body’s structure and function are interrelated. Changing structure in any system of the body has the ability to positively affect disease outcomes.  This is a lower risk, less invasive approach than prescription medications and surgeries. A Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) is a fully-licensed physician whose education parallels the Medical Doctor (M.D.) model but also includes training in osteopathic manipulative medicine. Patients suffering from chronic pain from musculoskeletal conditions such as back or neck pain often experience benefits and resolution when treated by a D.O.  Other health concerns in the gastro-intestinal, respiratory, cardiac or any other system, caused by somatic dysfunction/structural issues can also be improved. For a treatment, it is highly recommended that everyone to wear athletic/active wear or sweat pants and comfortable t-shirt or knit top.

Pre-Op/Post-Op Care: Healing Touch, Hypnosis, IV therapy, Homeopathy

Prepare and heal from procedures and surgery quickly with a personalized combination of nutrients, immune support, IV infusions, homeopathy, hypnosis, healing touch and guided imagery.

Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland drives metabolism and so much more.  Accurate assessment and diagnosis are at the heart of our approach. Treatment options are individualized and range from nutrition to pharmaceutical interventions.

  • Comprehensive evaluation (beyond TSH)
  • Auto-immune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s, Grave’s)
  • Perinatal thyroiditis
  • Sub-acute thyroiditis
  • Evaluation & management of nodules, including thyroid cancer
  • Biopsies including AFIRMA testing and genetic markerS
  • Second opinions on thyroid ablations, “normal” labs, and surgery

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

The classical Chinese explanation for the effectiveness of acupuncture is that channels of energy run through the body and over its surface in regular patterns. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues. An obstruction to movement in the meridians dams up the energy on one side, while cutting off the supply downstream. By applying the needles at the right points along the meridians, the obstructions are unblocked and the proper flow of energy is restored.

The scientific explanation of acupuncture is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the body to release natural chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These substances either change the experience of pain or trigger the release of other chemicals or hormones that influence the body’s own internal regulating system. The needles also reduce muscle spasm and cause a healing response at the site of insertion. We know from studies using fMRI (functional MRI) scans that acupuncture can positively change the blood flow in the brain. Numerous other well-designed studies show that acupuncture is effective for treating chronic pain and other conditions.

Most importantly, acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural healing and promotes improved energy and better physical and emotional well-being.

Weight Management

Struggling to maintain your ideal body weight? Our weight changes with our hormones, level of stress, sleep, physical activity and food choices. Our clinicians will get to the root cause of your health challenge and improve your basal metabolic rate with a natural approach.

Women’s Health

Hormone changes occur throughout a woman’s life cycle which require support to maintain balance.  Our women’s health experts provide regular pap smears, clinical breast exams, hormone testing, plus expertise in gynecological and urinary tract issues.  Our goal is to empower and educate you about multiple options including lifestyle change, nutrition, botanicals, bioidentical hormones and treatment options for bone health. We provide a safe environment for education, counseling, nutrition and addressing the unique concerns of all women from adolescence to post menopause.

Additional Services

Based on your personalized treatment plan, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following services and testing.

  • Intravenous Vitamins/Minerals- customized formulas to deliver high concentrations of nutrients.  Common indications include immune dysfunction, leaky gut, neuro-degenerative conditions, chronic fatigue, nutrient deficiencies.
  • WatchPAT- FDA-approved home sleep study that uses the most innovative technology to assess your sleep patterns and diagnose sleep apnea in the comfort of your own home.
  • EndoPAT- FDA cleared non-invasive diagnostic device for assessing of Endothelial Dysfunction (arterial health): a functional test for early detection of underlying vascular disease. Endothelial Dysfunction is the earliest detectable stage of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
  • Dexcom- FDA-approved device that is worn for 1 week to continuously monitor and report blood sugar. Frequently used to evaluate responses to diet & medication changes in the treatment of diabetes.
  • ZioPatch- FDA-approved small, discreet heart monitor that continuously records heart rhythm for the diagnosis of arrhythmia.
  • Ankle Brachial Index- noninvasive testing for risk of peripheral artery disease.
  • Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA)- measures body composition including fat, lean muscle mass and water weight.
  • Basal Metabolic Rate Analysis- measures your resting metabolism and calorie needs. Used to personalize lifestyle recommendations
  • Spirometry- A test of your lung capacity used to assess airway disease such as asthma.
  • DEXA- Bone density test used for screening osteoporosis. Uses ultrasound technology to assess trabecular bone in the heel.
  • HeartMath ™ –a technique that trains you to control your autonomic nervous system for a healthier heart, mind, and body
  • Low level laser therapy for pain- (packages available for purchase) Stimulates healing and reduces pain using photobiomodulation.
  • Diagnostic Imaging provided by Cypress Diagnostics:
    • Echocardiogram, Carotid Duplex, CIMT, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
  • Nurse Health Coaching – see Integrative Nurse Coaching in Personalized Consultations section, above , and a video on Claire D’Andrea RN’s bio page.

We have in-house Phlebotomy. Advanced functional lab testing including blood, microbiome, and saliva analysis.

Ask about our Cardiovascular Non-Invasive Early Detection Package. (see link)

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