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A Comprehensive Wellness Assessment is recommended but not required to join Guarneri Integrative Health Inc. as a Member. It is not an actual component of Membership.
Dr. Guarneri is available for comprehensive assessments. These assessments can occur annually, on a one-time basis or as needed by the client (once-annually). These assessments are a two clinician team and include Dr. Guarneri and a Naturopathic Doctor or another MD. Comprehensive assessments consist of an initial 90-minute assessment and a 45 minute follow up appointment to review additional tests. After the initial assessment is completed a recommendation will be made regarding on-going care at Pacific Pearl. On-going care may include Pacific Pearl VIP Membership or for a limited number of clients.
If you have a health challenge and are not getting the answers you need from your conventional clinicians, you may benefit from a comprehensive assessment. If you are under the care of a conventional physician and are not feeling well, you may benefit from a comprehensive assessment. If you want a second opinion regarding the care you are receiving from a conventional clinician, including the need for cardiovascular surgery, stenting etc., you could benefit from a comprehensive assessment. Comprehensive assessments are available for most health challenges including: cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, thyroid disease, chronic pain and fibromyalgia, leaky gut, hormonal replacement therapy, sleep disturbance and many more.