Health Supplements

Our Supplements are designed by Pacific Pearl practitioners. While research supports the use of these supplements, please consult your healthcare provider prior to taking any nutritional supplements. The information we provide is for educational purposes only.
antiviral custom packages

Featured Product:

Custom Anti-Viral Packages

Pacific Pearl La Jolla physicians and providers hand-select the ideal combination of anti-viral and anti-oxidant formulas based on your age, unique physiology and health issues.

Work with your unique physiology to optimize your immune function, fight viruses and create exceptional health. Final price varies according to individual needs. Contact reception at the Pearl to get your recommendations.


detox pack

Featured Product:

Jumpstart 21 Day Detox

Our 21-Day Jumpstart Program is the beginning of your journey to health. The program is designed to decrease inflammation, improve, blood sugar and help obtain your optimal weight.
Most health challenges including arthritis, brain fog, leaky gut, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease are related to inflammation. Our first step is to decrease inflammation, improve energy and for many begin the process of obtaining your optimal weight.

$287.90Add to cart

The following combinations of supplements are suggested to include in your program:

Optimal Weight Program includes:

  1. 21 Day Jumpstart program with organic protein, amino acids, guide/recipe book and all the instructions you need to kick off your journey to health.
  2. For those individual that wish to decrease their appetite we recommend adding Fiber Plus to your smoothie. The fiber will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.
  3. For those that have a difficult time craving sugar and simple carbohydrates consider adding the Crave-Less Pearls to your program.
  4. Daily Greens recommended as a natural source of anti-oxidants
  5. If you tend to overeat because of stress please consider reading the transforming stress section of 108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential.  Listen to the guided meditations available on our website. We want you to find a path to inner peace.
  6. Stick with the jumpstart program until you reach your goal.

*Please discuss all aspects of this program with your health care provider. All of the information provided is for educational purposes.

Healthy Blood Sugar Program Includes:

  1. 21 Day Jumpstart program with organic protein, amino acids, guide/recipe book and all the instructions you need to kick off your journey to health.
  2. Fiber Plus recommended to decrease sugar absorption and increase satiety.
  3. Daily Greens recommended as a natural source of anti-oxidants.
  4. Sugar Pearls to assist with healthy blood sugar.
  5. Berberine Pearls to assist with healthy blood sugar.
  6. If you tend to overeat because of stress, please consider reading the transforming stress section of Dr. Guarneri’s book, 108 Pearls to Awaken Your Healing Potential. Listen to some of the guided meditations available on our website. We want you to find a path to inner peace.
  7. Follow the jumpstart diet and continue until you hit your desired blood sugar and optimal weight

* Please note, this program will lower your blood sugar and may require lowering of your medications. Discuss all aspects of this program with your health care provider.

Healthy Cholesterol Level Program Includes:

  1. 21 Day Jumpstart program with organic protein, amino acids, guide/recipe book and all the instructions you need to kick off your journey to health.
  2. Fiber Plus recommended to decrease LDL and decrease appetite
  3. Daily Greens recommended as a natural source of anti-oxidants
  4. Berberine Pearls to promote healthy LDL
  5. Chol-less Pearls to promote healthy LDL
  6. Red Yeast Rice Pearls to promote healthy LDL for those individuals not on statin therapy. and who have no sensitivity/adverse reactions to statins.
  7. Recommend vegetarian recipe book
  8. Research has shown that high cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides are linked to stress. Please consider reading the transforming stress section of 108 Pearls to Awaken your Healing Potential. Listen to some of the guided meditations available on our website. We want you to find a path to inner peace.

*Please discuss all aspects of this program with your health care provider. All of the information provided is for educational purposes only.

Sleep Well Program includes:

  1. Begin with the 21-Day Jumpstart program.
  2. Sleep Pearls for deeper, improved sleep quality.
  3. Calm Pearls to address mood, emotional well-being and serotonin levels.
  4. Re-Lax Pearls for relaxation, de-stressing.
  5. Read the book, 108 Pearls, section entitled “Get More Sleep, Feel Less Stressed.”
  6. Schedule a Comprehensive Assessment with Pacific Pearl La Jolla providers to identify hormone, diet, physical activity, lifestyle and environmental factors that may be negatively influencing your sleep. Call 858-459-6919 to schedule (a 2-doctor 90-min appointment with follow-up appointment).

*Please discuss all aspects of this program with your health care provider. All of the information provided is for educational purposes.

Stress Mastery Program includes:

  1. Adrenal Pearls to balance cortisol level, and reduce the impact of stress on your body.
  2. Calm Pearls to address mood, emotional well being and serotonin levels.
  3. Re-Lax Pearls for relaxation, de-stressing.
  4. Read the book by Mimi Guarneri, MD, 108 Pearls, chapter “Turn Your Stress into Strength.”
  5. Schedule an appointment with an expert at Pacific Pearl La Jolla to identify the stressors in your life, how they are affecting your health, and methods to address them. Call 858-459-6919 for a consultation with one of the Naturopathic Doctors or schedule a Comprehensive Assessment (a 2-doctor 90-min appointment with follow-up appointment).

*Please discuss all aspects of this program with your health care provider. All of the information provided is for educational purposes.

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