Viral Shield Pearls


Boost your immune function with this potent formula. 

Viral Shield is designed not only to optimize immune function but to improve your body’s ability to withstand the oxidative stress caused by viral infection. Decades of robust research has supported the power of Vitamin A and Zinc to support the immune system. These primary ingredients are bolstered by nutrients like Quercetin, Astragalus and Elderberry extracts, Lion’s Mane, and more.




Additional information

Weight 2.6 oz
Dimensions 2.25 × 2.25 × 4 in
Serving Size

3 Capsules

Capsules Per Bottle



Vitamin A (as Vitamin A Palmitate) 5000 mcg
Zinc (as TRAACS Zinc Bisglycinate) 30 mg
Copper (as TRAACS Copper Bisgylcinate)
Quercertin 250 mg
Astralgus Extract 200 mg
Elderberry Extract 150 mg
Lemon Bioflavinoid Complex (90% Bioflavinoids)
Agaricus Extract 100 mg
Chaga Gold 100 mg
Cordyceps Extract (8% Cordycepic Acid) 100 mg
Reishi Mushroom Powder 100 mg
Turkey Tail 100 mg
Lion's Mane 100 mg
Garlic Bulb Extract (1% Allicin) 50 mg
Maitake (TD Fraction) 50 mg

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